Step 4 Objective

Extend written methods to division of HTU by TU (long division, whole number answer).

Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do

As with short division, use efficient methods of repeated subtraction, by subtracting multiples of the divisor, before moving to long division.

Probing questions

How do you go about estimating the answer to a division?

Explain how you got the answer to this division.

Give pupils some long divisions (extended methods using multiples of the divisor and possibly a standard method) with typical mistakes in them. Ask them to find the mistakes and talk through what the person has done wrong. Ask them to correct the mistakes.

What if pupils find this a barrier?

Pupils may need to use repeated subtraction and then move to efficient repeated subtraction before they use a standard formal written method.

For guidance on written division refer to the document 'The National Numeracy Strategy: Teaching written calculations – guidance for teachers at Key Stages 1 and 2' (QCA/99/486) pp. 49-55.