Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do
Give examples to match statements like:
- Any even number can be written as the sum of two odd numbers.
- Any odd number is one more than an even number.
- A multiple of 5 is always half a multiple of 10.
Probing questions
Can you find any more examples that match the statement?
Do you think it will always be true?
Can you find any examples that do not match the statement?
Can you find some other statements?
What if pupils find this a barrier?
Pupils may need more experience of using the vocabulary. Give pupils a list of words, e.g. odd, even, multiple, greater than, between. Ask pupils, in pairs, to select a number without showing their partner, and then to write some statements about the number to help their partner guess the number. For example, starting from 15:
- It is an odd number.
- It is a multiple of 5.
- It is an odd number between 10 and 20.
Then try starting from general statements for pupils to find their own examples.
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