Step 1 Objective

Read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000; know what each digit represents.

Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do

Probing questions

Which numbers are easiest to write down? Which do you have to think about?

When ordering a set of numbers, what do you look for first?

How do you find the smallest number/the largest number? What clues do you use?

What do you do when the numbers you are ordering have the same hundreds digit/tens digit?

Can you explain to me what you would do to order 384, 356 and 401?

What if pupils find this a barrier?

Place value cards are useful to practise the concepts with pupils:

Use a guessing game to guess mystery numbers between 1 and 1000, using 'higher' and 'lower'.

Give pupils a matching activity with common misconceptions, e.g.:

Place Value ITP - Zip file (458Kb) will help pupils to see the value of each digit.