Step 6 Objective
Use standard column procedures for multiplication and division of integers and decimals, including by decimals such as 0.6 or 0.06; understand where to position the decimal point by considering equivalent calculations.
- Examples of what pupils should
know and be able to do - Probing questions
- What if pupils find
this a barrier?
What if pupils find this a barrier?
If pupils have difficulty with numbers involving decimals, explore sets of related facts. For example: 137 × 29 = 3973, what is:
13.7 × 29
137 × 2.9
13.7 × 2.9?
Given that 3.5 × 3.2 = 11.2, make up some other questions with the answer 11.2.
Make up questions with answer 112, 1.12, etc.
The FTM(S)Y789 pp. 104-107 - Acrobat pdf document (47Kb) gives an outline of progression. It is important to identify the stage that pupils have currently reached, then look for the next appropriate step for each individual.