Step 6 Objective
Draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning; suggest extensions to problems; conjecture and generalise.
- Examples of what pupils should
know and be able to do - Probing questions
- What if pupils find
this a barrier?
Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do
Hollow Squares
Here is a hollow square.
- How many pegs form the square on the outside?
- How many pegs are there in the hollow?
- Draw some more hollow squares.
- Investigate.
Examples drawn from Hollow Squares.
Makes a table of results systematically with most of results correct, may notice that the number of pegs in the hollow increases by two more each time.
There are 16 pegs on the outside. The hollow is 9 pegs
Area of hollow square.
- 3 x 3
- 4 x 4
- 5 x 5
- 6 x 6
- 7 x 7
- 8 x 8
- 9 x 9
- 10 x 10
Number of pegs on outside.
- 8
- 12
- 16
- 20
- 24
- 28
- 32
- 36
Number of pegs in hollow.
- 1
- 4
- 9
- 16
- 25
- 36
- 49
- 64
Outside goes up in fours
Hollow goes up in twos