Step 4 Objective

Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100 and find simple percentages of small whole-number quantities.

Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do

Use mental methods. For example find:

Use informal written methods, including using jottings. For example find:

Probing questions

What percentages can you easily work out in your head? Talk me through a couple of examples.

When calculating percentages of quantities, what percentage do you usually start from?

How do you use this percentage to work out others?

To calculate 10% of a quantity, you divide it by 10. So to find 20%, you must divide by 20. What is wrong with this statement?

Using a 1-100 grid, 50% of the numbers are even. How would you check?

Give me a question with the answer 20%.

What if pupils find this a barrier?

Help pupils make connections between finding simple percentages of whole-number quantities by using a spider diagram.

Ask pupils to write, for example, 52 = 100% in the middle of a piece of paper and then link together other percentages that they can find (e.g. 26 = 50%, 13 = 25%, 5.2 = 10%, etc.).

Use the visual image of the Number Grid ITP - Zip file (462Kb) to discuss parts in every 100.

Use Fractions ITP - Zip file (457Kb) with the percentages shown.

Practise using TMCS to L5 loop cards set 14 - Acrobat pdf document (25Kb).