Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do
Respond to questions like:
- What integers lie between −5 and 3?
- Put these shuffled cards from −15 to 5 in order.
- Which temperature is lower: −4 °C or −2 °C?
- FTM(P)Y456 p. 14 - Acrobat pdf document (33Kb)
- Positive and Negative numbers example of pupil's work - Acrobat pdf document (1.4Mb)
Probing questions
Give me an example of a temperature when it is really cold. Give me a temperature when its colder.
What could −£10 mean?
Can you give me an example of where we come across negative numbers in real life?
What if pupils find this a barrier?
Use the thermometer ITP to demonstrate temperature differences and order temperatures.
Use above and below sea level as a context for negative numbers.
Model the situation of a bank account that is overdrawn.
- Thermometer ITP - Zip file (463Kb)
- Number line ITP - Zip file (459Kb)
- TL4Y7 Number N1.1 - Acrobat pdf document (69Kb)
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