Step 3 Objective
Multiply and divide any positive integer up to 10000 by 10 or 100 and understand the effect.
- Examples of what pupils should
know and be able to do - Probing questions
- What if pupils find
this a barrier?
What if pupils find this a barrier?
Use place value cards.
It will also be helpful to observe and discuss the effect of multiplying and dividing by 10 or 100 using a calculator.
It is important that the pupil understands the effect of moving digits on the place value.
Domino activities can be useful (dominos with a calculation on one half and an answer on the other half) as they require pupils to find a possible calculation for a specific answer.
Place Value ITP - Zip file (458Kb) will help pupils to see the value of each digit.
Use Moving Digits ITP - Zip file (457Kb) to reinforce that it is the digits that 'move'.